As his mother and father visit doctor after doctor and try meds after meds, ZJ aches for the time ‘before’ his father’s illness, a time filled with picnics, pick up games, and spontaneous dance parties in the living room. ZJ’s father is a pro football player who is experiencing headaches, mood swings and memory loss. Jacqueline Woodson’s latest novel in verse explores the impact of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) on tight end Zachariah ‘44’ Johnson, through the eyes of his twelve year old son, his namesake.
During turbulent times, many of us may find ourselves asking, “What can I do?” The young people featured in this powerful anthology asked this question of themselves, found answers, and took action. Editors Metcalf, Dawson & Bradley have curated a collection of poems, written by accomplished poets, that represent the commitments, the activism and the accomplishments of fourteen tweens and teens.
Building Big Dreams with Dream Builder: The Story of Architect Philip Freelon
Biography & Memoirs, Nonfiction, Nonfiction Picture Books, Picture Books
|In a stunning picture book biography, author Kelly Starling Lyons and illustrator Laura Freeman celebrate the life and work of Philip Freelon, Architect of Record for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. This not-to-be missed title has broad possibilities for exploring art and design; featuring diverse life stories; and inviting students to consider how they might use their own talents to be dream builders.
This week, we wish for all of you: safety, health, connection, and comfort. We are deeply grateful for all the work you do each and every day to put wonderful books in the hands, minds, and hearts of young people.
When you see a frog, do you think ‘brilliant beautiful being’? If you don’t already, you will after reading Being Frog by acclaimed picturebook author and photographer April Pulley Sayre. Sayre’s stunning photographs depict the frogs she and her husband observe weekly in a local pond. Backyard scientists of all ages will find Being Frog a call to action - a call to watch, wonder, imagine and inquire.
“I’m not coming back ever again.” A young girl stomps out her anger and frustration as she walks with Momma at the end of the first day of school. The source of her distress? No one could pronounce her name. “Not even the teacher?” queries Momma? As they pass by a street musician, Momma offers some advice: “Tell her your name is a song.”
We’re so pleased to announce that The Classroom Bookshelf has a new co-author, Dr. Denise Davila. In this post, she introduces herself.
As we have done in past years, we offer a collection of links for summer reading suggestions. Teachers, librarians and families may find these curated lists helpful as you facilitate book experiences for the young readers in your lives. Be sure to investigate the summer reading offerings at your local public library.
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art has produced a remarkable virtual exhibit that affords viewers an intimate view of the studios and creative processes of 21 picture book artists. This blog entry provides teaching ideas to take the exhibit experience a step further, using the paintings, prints, and drawings, as a launch points for art making experiences.
Our experiences with remote learning, so far, have highlighted for us how key social interactions are in the learning process. What our children miss the most are the sustained interactions with their classmates and their teachers. As we ‘carry on’ under these extreme circumstances, sharing books together can be a way of connecting and of comforting one another.