A Fuse #8 Production
April 4, 2022 by Mary Ann Cappiello
One Wish: Fatima al-Fihri and the World’s Oldest University is a gorgeous introduction into the medieval Islamic world, the thriving city of Fez, and the ongoing cultural and scientific discoveries and exchanges of the Islamic Golden Age. It also demonstrates the power of one woman’s determination to bring education to girls and women, an action that has transformed lives and reverberated over 1,200 years.
March 19, 2012 by Mary Ann Cappiello
Peaceweaver By Rebecca Barnhouse Random House, 2012 ISBN 978-0-375-86766-8 Grades 6-8 Book Review As a companion to The Coming of the Dragon, a retelling of the “Beowulf” epic poem, Rebecca Barnhouse once again invites middle grade readers into the world of Scandinavia’s legends and Britain’s early medieval period. A medievalist, Barnhouse brings to life […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Good Comics for Kids
by Brigid Alverson
Teen Librarian Toolbox
by Karen Jensen, MLS
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