Heavy Medal
February 18, 2019 by Mary Ann Cappiello
Never Caught, the Young Reader's Edition of Erica Armstrong Dunbar's 2017 National Book Award Finalist, explores the intricate and intimate ways in which the personal lives of George and Martha Washington and the enslaved men and women they owned were tangled together. As Martha Washington’s personal maid, Ona Judge, a skillful seamstress, had access to fine clothes, trips to the theater, and the chance to travel beyond Mt. Vernon. But for Judge, that was not enough. Only freedom was enough. Ideal for biography genre study as well as explorations of the Black Freedom Movement and the American Revolution, Never Caught can play many roles in middle grade language arts and social studies classrooms.
March 21, 2017 by Mary Ann Cappiello
Ashes (The Seeds of America Trilogy) Written by Laurie Halse Anderson ISBN: 978-1-4169-6146-8 Grades 7 and Up Book Review The Seeds of America trilogy that began in New York City in 1776 with the National Book Award finalist Chains, and continued at Valley Forge in 1777 with Forge, concludes at the Battle of Yorktown in […]
October 1, 2012 by Mary Ann Cappiello
This week, we celebrate the publication of Mary Ann and Erika’s book, Teaching with Text Sets. We wrote Teaching with Text Sets because we have witnessed the power of children’s literature to engage students, inspire deep content exploration, and differentiate instruction. We’ve also seen the potential for digital multimodal texts, like the kinds we regularly […]
February 27, 2012 by Mary Ann Cappiello
The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism, and Treachery By Stephen Sheinkin Flashpoint/Roaring Brook Press, 2010 ISBN: 978-1-59643-4686-8 Grades 6 and Up Review If you are of a certain generation, you remember when Peter Brady was assigned the role of Benedict Arnold, dashing his hopes of playing George Washington. In American culture, […]
December 6, 2010 by Mary Ann Cappiello
Forge By Laurie Halse Anderson ISBN: 9781416961444 Published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2010 Grades 6 and Up Book Review In book two of the trilogy that began with National Book Award Finalist Chains, Curazon, the perhaps-free, perhaps-still enslaved African-American soldier liberated from a British prison in Manhattan by Isabel at the end of […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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